万书屋 > 穿越小说 > The Joy Luck Club > American Translation
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    quot;Wah!quot; cried the;big..;/big ther upon seeing the rrored arire ier suite of her daughters new iniu quot;You ot put rrors at the foot of the bed. All ye happiness will bounce bad turn the opposite way.quot;

    quot;Well, thats the only pce it fits, so thats where it stays,quot; said the daughter, irritated that her ther saw bad ons ihing. She had heard these warnings all her life.

    The ther frowned, reag into her twice-used Macys bag. quot;Hunh, lucky I  fi it for you, then.quot; And she pulled out the gi-edged rror she had bought at ;bdi藏书网;/bdithe Price Club st week. It was her housewarng present. She lea against the headboard, on top of the two pillows.

    quot;You hang it here,quot; said the ther, pointing to the wall aboe. quot;This rror sees that rror—haule!—iply your peach-blossoluck.quot;

    quot;What is peac;bdi..;/bdih-blossoluck?quot;

    The ther sled, schief in her eyes. ..quot;It is in here,quot; she said, pointing to the rror. quot;Look iell , aI nht? In this rror is  future grandchild, already sitting on  p  spring.quot;

    And the daughter looked—and haule!There it was: her own refle looking back at.. her.

    百度搜索 The Joy Luck Club  或 The Joy Luck Club 本站 即可找到本书最新章节.