万书屋 > 穿越小说 > 伊利亚随笔 > DREAM-CHILDREN; A Reverie
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    CHILDREo listen to stories about their elders, when they were children; to stretch their igination to the ception of a traditireat-uncle, randa, whothey neer saw. It was in this spirit that  little ones crept about,  the other eening to hear about their great-grandther Field, who lied in a great house in Norfolk (a huis bigger than that in which they and papa lied) which had been the se -- so at least it was generally belieed in that part of the try -- of the tragits which they had tely bee faliar with frothe bald of the Children in the Wood. Certain it is that the whole story of the children and their cruel uncle was to be seen fairly cared out in wood upon the ey-piece of the great hall, the whole story down to the Robin Redbreasts, till a foolish rich Person pulled it down to set up a rble one of dern iion in its stead, with no story upon it. Here Alice put out one of her dear thers looks, too teo be called upbraiding. Then I went on to say, hious and how good their great. grandther Field was, how beloed and respected by eery body, though she was not ihe stress of this great house, but had only the charge of it (a in so respects she ght be said to be the stress of it too) itted to her by the owner, who preferred liing in a newer and re fashionable nsion which he had purchased sowhere in the ad;q;/qjoining ty; but still she lied in it in a nner as if it had been her o the dignity of the great house in a sort while she lied, which afterwards ca to decay, and was nearly pulled down, and all its old ors stripped and carried away to the owners other house, where they were set up, and looked as awkward as if so oo carry away the old tos they had seen tely at the Abbey, and stick theup in Lady C.s tawdry gi drawing-roo Here John sled, as ch as to say, quot;that would be foolish indeed.quot; And then I told how, when she ca to die, her funeral was attended by urse of all the poor, and so of the gentry too, of the neighbourhood for ny les round, to show their respect for her ry, because she had been such a good and religious won; so good ihat she knew all the Psaery by heart, ay, and a great part of the Testant besides. Here little Alice spread her hands. Then I told what a tall, upright, graceful person their great-grandther Field once was; and how in her youth she was esteed the best dancer -- here Alices little right foot pyed an inoluntary ent, till, upon  looking grae, it desisted -- the best dancer, I was saying, iy, till a cruel disease, called a cer, ca, and bowed her down with pain; but iuld neer bend her good spirits, or ke thestoop, but they were still upright, because she was so good and religious. Then I told how she was used to sleep by herself in a lone chaer of the great lone house; and how she belieed that an apparition of two infants was to be seen at dnight gliding up and down the great staircase near where she slept, but she said quot;those is would do her no harquot; and hhtened I used to be, though in those days I had  id to sleep with , because I was neer half so good ious as she -- a I neer saw the infants. Here John epanded all his eye-brows and tried to look ceous. Then I told how good she was to all her grand-children, haing us to the great-house in the holydays, where I in particur used to spend ny hours by self, in gazing upon the old busts of the Twele Caesars, that had been Eerors of Ro, till the old rble heads would seeto lie again, or I to be turned into rble with the how I neeuld be tired with roang about that huge nsion, with its ast ety roo, with their worn-out hangings, fluttering tapestry, and cared oaken pannels, with the gilding alst rubbed out -- sotis in the spacious old-fashioned gardens, which I had alst to self, unless when now and then a solitary gardening n would e -- and how the arines and peaches hung upon the walls, without  eer  to pluck the because they were forbidden fruit, unless now and then, -- and because I had re pleasure in strolling about ang ?he old ncholy-lookirees, or the firs, and pig up the red berries, and the fir apples, which were good for nothing but to look at -- or in lying a out upon the fresh grass, with all the fine garden slls around  -- or basking in the ery, till uld alst fancy self ripening too along with the es and the lis in that grateful warh -- or in watg the dace that darted to and fro in the fish-pond, at the bottoof the garden, with here and there a great sulky pike hanging dway dower in silent state, as if it cked at their ierti friskings, -- I had re pleasure in these busy-idle diersions than in all the sweet fours of peaches, arines, es, and such like on baits of children. Here John slyly deposited back upoe a bunch of grapes, whiot unobsered by Alice, he had ditated diiding with her, and both seed willing to relinquish thefor the present as irreleant. Then in sowhat a re heighteone, I told how, though their great-grandther Field loed all her grand-childre in an especial nner she ght be said to loe their uncle, John L----, because he was so handso and spirited a youth, and a king to the rest of us; and, instead of ping about in solitary ers, like so of us, he would unt the st ttleso horse huld get, when but an i no bigger than theeles, a carry hihalf oer the ty in a ;;/abbrrning, and join the hunters when there were any out -- a he loed the old great house and gardens too, but had too ch spirit to be alent up within their boundaries -- and how their uncle grew up to e as brae as he was handso, to the adration of eery body, but of their great-grandther Field st especially; and how he used to carry  upon his back when I was a - footed boy -- for he was a good bit older than  -- ny a le when uld not ain; -- and how in after life he beca -footed too, and I did not always (I fear) ke allowances enough for hiwhen he was iatient, and in pain, nor reer suffitly how siderate he had been to  when I was - footed; and how when he died, though he had not been dead an hour, it seed as if he had died a great while ago, such a distahere is betwit life ah; and how I bore his death as I thought pretty well at first, but afterwards it haunted and haunted ; and though I did not cry or take it to heart as so do, and as I think he would hae done if I had died, yet I ssed hiall day long, and knew not till then how ch I had loed hi I ssed his kindness, and I ssed his crossness, and wished hito be alie again, to be quarrelling with hi(for we quarreled sotis), rather than not hae hiagain, and was as uneasy without hi as he their poor u hae beehe doctor took off his li. Here the childr;u;/uen fell a g, and asked if their little which they had on was not for uncle John, and they looked up, and prayed  not to go on about their uncle, but to tell the so stories about their pretty dead ther. Then I told how for seen long years, in hope sotis, sotis in despair, yet persisting eer, urted the fair Alice W---n; and, as ch as childreuld uand, I epio thewhat ess, and difficuy, and denial ant in idens -- when suddenly, turning to Alice, the soul of the first Alice looked out at her eyes with such a reality of re-prese, that I be doubt which of thestood there before , or whose that bright hair was; and while I stood gazing, both the children gradually grew faio  iew, reg, and still reg till nothing at st but two urnful features were see distance, which, without speech, strangely iressed upohe effects of speech; quot;We are not of Alior of thee, nor are we children at all. The children of Alice called Bartrufather. We are nothing; less than nothing, and drea. We are only what ght hae been, and st wait upoedious shores of Lethe llions of ages before we hae eistence, and a naquot; ------ aely awaking, I found self quietly seated in  bachelor archair, where I had fallen asleep, with the faithful Bridget unged by  side -- but John L. (or Jas Elia) was gone for eer.

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