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    IN Mr. Las quot;Works,quot; published a year or two since, I find a gnifit eulogy on  old school*, such as it was, or noears to hito hae beeween the 1782 and 1789. It happens, ery oddly, that  own standing at Christs was nearlrresponding with his; and, with all gratitude to hifor his enthusiasfor the cloisters, I think he has tried t together whateer  be said in praise of the dropping all the other side of the argunt st ingeniously.

    [Footnote] quot;lles Of Christs Hospitalquot;

    I reer L. at school; and  well llect that he had so peculiar adantages, which I and others of his schoolfellows had not. His friends lied in town, and were near at hand; and he had the priilege of going to see the alst as often as he wished, through so inidious distin which was deo us. The present worthy sub-treasurer to the Iele  epin how that happened. He had his tea and hot rolls in a  while we were battening upon our quarter of a penny loaf -- our crug istened with attenuated sll beer, in wooden piggins, sg of the pitched leathern jack it oured fro Our Mondays lk porritch, blue and tasteless, and the pease soup of Saturdayarse and choking, were enriched for hiwith a slice of quot;etra-ordinary bread and butter,quot; frothe hot-loaf of the Tele. The Wednesdays ss of llet, sowhat less repugnant -- (we had three banyan to four at days in the week) was endeared to his pate with a lu of double-refined, and a sck of gio ke it go down the ibly) or the fragrant an. In lieu of our half-pickled Sundays, or quite fresh boiled beef on Thursdays (strong as caro equina), with detestable rigolds floating in the pail to poison the broth -- our sty tts on Fridays -- and rather re saoury, but grudging, portions of the sa flesh, rotten-roasted or rare, ouesdays (the only dish which ecited our appetites, and disappointed our stochs, in alst equal proportion -- he had his hot pte of roast eal, or the re teting griskiiknown to our pates)oked iernal kit (a great thing), and brought hidaily by his id or aunt! I reer the good old retie (in wholoe forbade pride) squatting down upon so odd stone in a by-nook of the cloisters disclosing the iands (of higher regale than those cates which the raens nistered to the Tishbite); and the tending passions of L. at the unfolding. There was loe for the bringer; sha for the thing brought, and the nner of its bringing; syathy for those who were too ny to share in it; and, at top of all, hunger (eldest, stro of the passions!) predonant, breaking dowony fences of sha, and awkwardness, and a troubling oer-sciousness.

    I oor friendless boy. My parents, and those who should care for , were far away. Those few acquaintances of theirs, which theuld re upon being kind to  in the great city, after a little forotice, which they had the grace to take of  on  first arrial in town, sooired of  holiday isits. They seed to theto recur too often, though I thought thefew enough; and, oer ahey all failed , and I fe self alone ang si hundred pytes.

    O the cruey of separating a poor d frohis early hostead! The yearnings which I used to hae towards it in those unfledged years! How, in  drea, would  own (far in the west) e back, with its church, and trees, and faces! How I would wake weeping, and in the anguish of  heart eciupo e in Wishire!

    To this te hour of  life, I trace iressio by the lle of those friendless holidays. The long wardays of suer neer return but they bring with thea gloofrothe haunting ry of those whole-day-leaes, when, by se arra, we were turned out, for the lie-long day, upon our own hands, whether we had friends to go to, or none. I reer those bathing.ecursions to the New-Rier, which L. recalls with such relish, better, I think, than he  -- for he was a ho-seeking d, and did not ch care for such water-pastis -- How rrily we would sally forth into the fields; and strip uhe first warh of the sun; and wanton lik?e young da the stre getting us appetites for noon, which those of us that were pennyless (our sty crust long since ehausted) had not the ans of alying -- while the cattle, and the birds, and the fishes, were at feed about us, and we had nothing to satisfy our gs -- the ery beauty of the day, and the eercise of the pasti, and the sense of liberty, setting a keener edge upon the-- How faint and nguid, finally, we would return, towards nightfall, to our desired rsel, half-rejoig, half-relut, that the hours of our uneasy liberty had epired!

    It was worse in the days of wio go prowling about the streets objectless -- shiering ald windows of print-shops, to etract a little asent; or haply, as a st resort, in the hope of a little y, to pay a fifty-tis repeated isit (where our indiidual faces should be as well known to the warden as those of his own charges) to the Lions iower -- to whose leee, burtesy ierial, we had a prescriptie title to adssion. L.s goernor (so we called the patron who presented us to the foundation) lied in a nner under his paternal roof. Any pint which he had to ke was sure of being atteo. This was uood at Christs, and was an effectual s to hiagainst the seerity of sters, or worse tyranny of the nitors. The oppressions of these young brutes are heart-siing to call to lle. I hae been called out of  bed, and waked for the purpose, in thldest winter nights -- and this not once, but night after night -- in  shirt, to receie the discipline of a leathern thong, with eleen other sufferers, because it pleased  callow oerseer, when there has been any talking after we were goo bed, to ke the si st beds in the dortory, where the you children of us slept, answerable for an offehey her dared to it, nor had the power to hinder. -- The sa eecrable tyranny droe the younger part of us frothe fires, when our feet were perishing with snow; and, uhe cruelest penaies, forbad the indulgence of a drink of water, when we y in sleepless suer nights, feered with the season, and the days sports.

    There was one H--, who, I learned, in after days, was seeing so turer offen the hulks. (Do I ftter self in fang that this ght be the pnter of that na, who suffered -- at Neis, I think, or St. Kits, so few years since? My friend Tobin was the be instrunt ing hito the gallows.) This petty Nero actually branded a boy, who had offended hi with a red hot iron; and nearly stared forty of us, with eag tributions, to the one half of our bread, to paer a young ass, which, incredible as it y see with the iance of the nurses daughter (a young f of his) he had tried to sggle in, and keep upon the leads of the ward, as they called our dortories. This ga went on for better than a week, till the foolish beast, not able to fare well but he st cry roast at -- happier than Caligus nionuld he hae kept his own sel -- but, foolisher, as! than any of his species in the fables -- wag fat, and kig, in the fulness of bread, one unluute would needs procihis good fortuo the world below; and, ying out his sile throat, blew such a ra horn bst, as (toppling down the walls of his own Jericho) set t any lo defiahe t was disssed, with certain attentions, to Sthfield; but I neer uood that the patron underwent any sure on the oasion. This was iewardship of L.s adred Perry.

    Uhe sa facile adnistration,  L. hae fotten the punity with which the nurses used to carry aenly, iters, for their own tables, o of two of eery hot joint, which the careful tron had been seeing scrupulously ghed out for our dinners? These things were daily practised in that gnifit apartnt, which L. (grown oisseur since, we presu) praises so highly for the grand paintings quot;by Verrio, and others,quot; with which it is quot;hung round and adorned.quot; But the sight of sleek well-fed bluat boys in pictures was, at that ti, I beliee, little sotory to hi or us, the liing ones, who saw the better part of our proisions carried away before our faces by harpies; and ourseles reduced (with the Trojan in the hall of Dido)

    To feed our nd with idle portraiture.

    L. has rded the repugnance of the school to gags, or the fat of fresh beef boiled; as it down to so superstition. But these unorsels are neer grateful to young pates (children are uniersally fat-haters) and in strongarse, boiled ats, unsaed, are detestable. A gag-eater in our ti was equialent to a goul, and held in equal detestation. -- suffered uhe iutation.

    ---- `Twas said

    He ate strange flesh.

    He was obsered, after dinner, carefully to gather up the reants left at his table (not ny, nor ery choice fragnts, you y credit ) and, in an especial hese disreputable rsels, which he would ey away, aly stow itle that stood at his bed-side. None saw whee the It was ruured that he priately deoured thein the night. He was watched, but no traces of suight practices were derable. So reported, that, on leae-days, he had beeo carry out of the bounds a rge blue check handkerchief, full of sothing. This then st be the aursed thing. jecture  was at work to igine how huld dispose of it. So said he sold it to the beggars. This belief generally preailed. He went about ping. None spake to hi No one would y with hi He was eunicated; put out of the pale of the school. He was too powerful a boy to be beaten, but he underwent eery de of that ie punishnt, which is ieous than ny stripes. Still he perseered. At length he was obsered by two of his school-felloere detero get at the secret, and had traced hione leae-day for that purpose, to enter a rge worn-out building, such as there eist spes of in cery-ne, which are let out to arious scales of pauperiswith open door, and a on staircase. After hithey silently slunk in, and followed by steah up four flights, and saw hitap at a poor wicket, whied by an aged won, anly cd. Suspi was now ripened into certainty. The inforrs had secured their icti They had hiioils. Ausation was forlly preferred, aribution st signal was looked for. Mr. Hathaway, the then steward (for this happened a little after  ti), with that patient sagacity which teered all his duct, detero iigate the tter, before he proceeded to sentehe resu was, that the supposed ndits, the receiers or purchasers of the sterious scraps, turned out to be the parents of -- , an huple e to decay, -- whothis seasonable supply had, in all probability, saed frondicy; and that this young stork, at the epense of his own good na, had all this while been only feeding the old birds! -- The goernors on this ocuch to their honour, oted a present relief to the faly of ---, and presented hiwith a siler dal. The lesson which the steward read upon RASH JUDGMENT, on the oasion of publicly deliering the dal to --, I beliee, would not be lost upon his auditory. -- I had left school then, but I well reer -- . He was a tall, shaling youth with a cast in his eye, not at all c藏书网alcuted to ciliate hostile prejudices. I hae since seen hicarrying a bakers basket. I think I heard he did not do quite so well by hielf, as he had done by the old folks.

    I odriac d; and the sight of a boy iers, upon the day of  first putting on the blue clothes, was ly fitted to assuage the natural terrors of initiation. I was of tender years, barely turned of seen; and had only read of such things in books, or see in drea. I was told he had run away. This was the punishnt for the first offence. -- As a noice I was soon after taken to see the dungeons. These were little, square, Bedcells, where a bould just lie at his length upon straw and a b -- a ttress, I think, was afterwards substituted -- with a peep of light, let in askance, froa prison-orifice at top, barely enough to read by. Here the poor boy was locked in by hielf all day, without sight of any but the porter whht hihis bread and water -- who ght not speak to hi; -- or of the beadle, who ca twice a week to call hiout to receie his periodical chastisent, which was alst wele because it separated hifor a brief interal frosolitude: and here he was shut up by hielf of nights, out of the reach of any sound, to suffer whateer horrors the weak neres, and superstition io his ti of life, ght subject hito.* This was the penay for the sed offence. -- Wouldst thou like, reader, to see what beca of hiin the  degree?

    [Footnote] * One or two instances of lunacy, or atteted suicide, aly, at length ihe goernors of the iolicy of this part of the sentence, and the dnight torture to the spirits was dispensed with. -- This fancy of dungeons for children rout of Howards brain; for which (saing the reerence due to Holy Paul) thinks, uld willingly spit on his statue.

    The culprit, who had been a third ti an offender, and whose epulsion was at this ti deed irreersible, was brought forth, as at so sole auto da fe, arrayed in uth and st appalling attire -- all trace of his te quot;watchet weedsquot; carefully effaced, he osed in a jacket, reseling those which London lighters forrly delighted in, with a cap of the sa. The effect of this diestiture was such as the ingenious deisers of iuld hae anticipated. With his pale an frighted features, it was as if so of those disfigurents in Dante had seized upon hi In this disguisent he was brought into the hall (L.s faourite state-roo, where awaited hithe whole nuer of his school-fellows, whose joint lessons and sports he was theh to share he awful presence of the steward, to be seen for the st ti; of the eecutioner beadle,  his state robe for the oasion; and of two faces re, of direr iort, because neer but in these etreties isible. These were goernors; two of who by choice, or charter, were always aced to officiate at these Ui Suppliot to tigate (so at least we uood it), but to enforce the utterst stripe. Old Baer Gase, aer Aubert, I reer, werlleagues on one oasion, when the beadle turning rather pale, a gss of brandy was ordered to prepare hifor the steries. The sc was, after the old Ron fashion, long and stately. The lictor apahe al quite round the hall. We were generally too faint with attending to the preious disgusting -- circutao ke aurate report with our eyes of the degree orporal suffering inflicted. Report, ourse, gae out the baotty and liid. After sc, he was de oer, in his Sao, to his friends, if he had any (but only such pates were friendless), or to his parish officer, who, to enhahe effect of the se, had his station allotted to hioside of the hall gate.

    These sole pageantries were not pyed off so often as to spoil the general rth of the unity. lenty of eercise and recreation after school hours; and, for self, I st fess, that I was neer happier, than ihe Upper and the Lraar Schools were held in the sa roo and an iginary line only diided their bounds. Their character was as different as that of the inhabitants owo sides of the Pyrehe Re. Jas Boyer was the Upper Master; but the Re. Matthew Field presided oer that portion of the apartnt, of which I had the good fortuo be a er. We lied a life as careless as birds. We talked and did just what we pleased, and nobody lested us. We carried an ae, raar, for for but, for any trouble it gae us, we ght take two years iing through the erbs depo, and awo iing all that we had learned about the There was now and then the forlity of saying a lesson, but if you had not lear, a brush across the shoulders (just enough to disturb a fly) was the sole renstrance. Field neer used the rod and in truth he wielded the e with no great good will -- holding it quot;like a dancer.quot; It looked in his hands rather like ahan an instrunt of authority; and aoo, he was ashad of. He was a good easy n, that did not care to ruffle his own peaor perhaps set any great sideration upon the alue of juei. He g us, now and then, but often staid away whole days frous; and when he ca, it de no differeo us -- he had his priate rooto retire to, the short ti he staid, to be out of the sound of our noise. Our rth and uproar went on. We had cssics of our own, without being beholden to quot;i Greece or haughty Ro,quot; that passed current ang us -- Peter Wilkins -- the Adentures of the Hon. Capt. Robert Boyle -- the Fortunate Blue at Boy -- and the like. Or we cuiated a turn for ic or stific operations; king little sun-dials of paper; or weaing those ingenious parentheses, called cat-cradles; or king dry peas to dance upon the end of a tin pipe; or studying the art litary oer that udable ga quot;Frend English,quot; and a huher such deices to pass away t;bdi.99lib.;/bdihe ti -- g the useful with the agreeable -- as would hae de the souls of Rousseau and John Locke chuckle to hae seen us.

    Matthew Field beloo that css of dest diines who affei in equal proportion the gehe schor, and the Christian; but, I know not how, the first ingredient is generally found to he the predonating dose in the position. He was engaged in gay parties, or with hiurtly bow at so eppal leee when he should hae been attending upon us. He had for ny years the cssical charge of a hundred children, during the four or fie first years of their education; and his ery highest forseldoproceeded further than two or three of the introductory fables of Phaedrus. How things were suffered to go on thus, I ot guess. Boyer, who was the proper person to hae redied these abuses, always affected, perhaps fe, a deliterfering in a proi strictly his own. I hae not been without  suspis, that he was not aogether displeased at trast we preseo his end of the school. We were a sort of Helots to his young Spartans. He would sotis, with ironic deference, send to borrow a rod of the Under Master, and then, with Sardonic grin, obsere to one of his upper boys, quot;how  and fresh the twigs looked.quot; While his pale students were battering their brains oer Xenophon and Pto, with a silence as deep as that enjoined by the Sate, we were enjoying ourseles at our ease in our little Goshen. We saw a little into the secrets of his discipline, and the prospect did but the re recile us to our lot. His thunders rolled innocuous for us; his stor ear, but ouched us; trary to Gideons racle, while all around were drenched, our fleece was dry. His boys turned out bbr.;/abbrthe better schors; we, I suspect, hae the adantage in teer. His pupils ot speak of hiwithout sothing of terror alying their gratitude; the rerance of Field es back with all the soothing iges of indolence, and suer sluers, and work like py, and i idleness, and Elysiaions, and life itself a quotying holiday.quot;

    [Footnote] * wley.

    Though suffitly reed frothe jurisdi of Boyer, we were near enough (as I hae said);bdi藏书网;/bdi to uand a little of his syste We oasionally heard sounds of the Uluntes, and caught gnces of Tartarus. B. was a rabid pedant. His English style was crat to barbaris His Easter anthe (for his duty obliged hito those periodical flights) were grating as sel pipes. He would ugh, ay, aily, but then it st be at Fuss quibble about Re -- or at the tristis seeritas in uu, or inspicere in patinas, of Terence -- this, which at their first broauld hardly hae had is enough to e a Ron scle. -- He had two wigs, both pedantic, but of differing on. The one serene, sling, fresh powdered, betokening a ld day. The other, an old dloured, u, angry , denoting frequent and bloody eecution. Woe to the school, when he de his appearan his passy, or passionate wig.  epounded surer. -- J. B. had a heay hand. I hae known hidouble his knotty fist at a poor treling child (the ternal lk hardly dry upon its lips) with a quot;Sirrah, do you presu to set your wits at ? quot; -- Nothing was re on than to see hike a head-lory into the school-roo frohis inner recess, or library, and, with turbulent eye, singling out a d, roar out, quot;Ods  life, Sirrah,quot; (his faourite adjuration) quot;I hae a great nd to whip you,quot; then, with as sudden a retrag iulse, fling bato his ir -- and, after oling pse of so nutes (during which all but the culprit had totally fotteet) drie headlong out again, pieg out his ierfect sense, as if it had been so Deils Litany with the epletory yell -- quot;and I WILL, too.quot; -- In his gentler ods, when the rabidus furor was assuaged, he had resort to an ingenious thod, peculiar, for what I hae heard, to hielf, of whipping the boy, and reading the Debates, at the sa ti; a paragraph, and a sh between; whi those tis, when parliantary oratory was st at a height and flourishing in these real, was not calcuted to iress the patient with a eion for the diffuser graces of rhetoric.

    [Footnote] * In this ahing B. was the antipodes of hi-adjutor. While the forr was digging his brains for crude anthe, worth a pig-nut, F. would be recreating his gentlenly fan the re flowery walks of the Muses. A little dratic effusion of his, uhe na of Vertuus and Pona, is not yet fotten by the iclers of that sort of literature. It ted by Garrick, but the town did not gie it their san. -- B. used to say of it, in a way of half-plint, hail-irony, that it was too cssical for representation

    Once, and but ohe uplifted rod was known to fall iual frohis hand -- when droll squinting W -- haing been caught putting the inside of the sters desk to a use for which the architect had clearly not desig, to justify hielf, with great silicity aerred, that he did not know that the thing had been forewarhis equisite irreition of any w a to the oral or decratory, struck so irresistibly upon the fancy of all who heard it (the pedagogue hielf ed) that ression was unaoidable.

    L. has gie to B.s great rits as an instructor. Ce, in his literary life, has pronounced a re intelligible and ale ehor of the try Spectator doubts not to pare hiwith the ablest teachers of antiquity. Perhaps we ot disss hibetter than with the pious ejacution of C. -- when he heard that his old ster was on his death-bed -- quot; Poor J.B. ! -- y all his faus be fien; and y he be wafted to bliss by little cherub boys, all head and wings, with no botto to reproach his sublunary infirties.quot;

    Under hiwere ny good and sound schors bred. -- First Gre of  ti was La Pepys Steens, ki of boys and n, since -graar-ster (and inseparable panion) with Dr. T-----e. What an edifying spectacle did this brace of friends present to those who reered the anti-socialities of their predecessors! -- You  the one by  the street without a wonder, which was quickly dissipated by the alst iediate sub-appearance of the enerally arin ar these kinddjutors lightened for each other the toilso duties of their profession and when, in adanced age, one found it eo retire, the other was not long in disc that it suited hito y down the fasces also. Oh, it is pleasant, as it is rare, to find the sa arlinked in yours at forty, which, at thirteen helped it to turhe Cicero De Acitia, or so tale of Antique Friendship which the you een then was burning to anticipate! -Gre with S. was Th----- , who has sied with ability arious diplotis at the Northerurts. Th----- was a tall, dark, saturnine youth, sparing of speech, with raen locks. -- Thos Fanshaw Middleton followed hi(now Bishop of Calcutta) a schor and a gentlen in his teens. He has the reputation of an ecellent critid is author (besides the try Spectator) of a Treatise on the Greek Article, against Sharpe. -- M. is said to bear his tre high in India, where the regni noitas (I dare say) suffitly justifies the bearing. A hulity quite as pritie as that of Jewel or Hht not be eactly fitted to iress the nds of those Anglo-Asiatic dios with a reerence for ho institutions, and the church which those fathers watered. The nners of M. at school, though fir were ld, and unassung. o M. (if not senior to hi was Richards, author of the Abinal Britons, the st spirited of the Oford Prize Poe; a pale, studious Gre. -- Then followed poor S-----, ill-fated M----- of these the Muse is silent.

    Finding so of Edwards race

    Unhappy, pass their annals by.

    e bato ry, like as thou wert in the dayspring of thy fancies, with hope like a fiery n before thee -- the dark pilr not yet turned -- Sael Taylor Ce -- Logi, Metaphysi, Bard -- How hae I seen the casual passer through the cloisters stand still, intranced with adration (while he ghed the disproportioween the speed the garb of the young Mirandu), to hear thee unfold, in thy deep and sweet intonations, the steries of Jalichus, or Plotinus (for een in those years thou waedst not pale at such philosophic draughts),  Hor in his Greek, or Pindar -- while the walls of the old Grey Friars re-echoed to the ats of the inspired charity-boy ! -- Mahe quot;wit-bats,quot; (to dally awhile with the words of old Fuller,) between hiand C. V. Le G-----,quot; which two I behold like a Spanish great galleon, and an English n of war; Master Ce, like the forr, was bui far higher in learning, solid, but slow in his perfornces. C. V. L., with the English n of war, lesser in bulk, but lighter in sailinguld turn with all tides, tack about, and take adantage of all winds, by the quiess of his wit and iion.quot;

    Nor sha thou, their peer, be quickly fotten, Allen, with thrdial sle, and still rrdial ugh, with which thou wert wont to ke the old Cloisters shake, in thy ition of so poigna of theirs; or the anticipation of so re terial, and, peradenture, practical one, of thine owinct are those sles, with that beautiful tenance, with which (for thou wert the Nireus forsus of the school), in the days of thy turer waggery, thou didst disarthe wrath of infuriated town-dael, who, insed by prooking pinch, turning tigress-like round, suddeed by thy angel-look, eged the half-ford terrible quot;bl--,quot; fentler greeting -- quot;bless thy handso face!quot;

    folloho ought to be now alie, and the friends of Elia -- the junior Le G------ and F----- ; who ielled, the forr by a roing teer, the tter by too quick a sense of  -- ill capable of enduring the slights poor Sizars are sotis subject to in our seats of learning -- eged their Al Mater for the c perishing, one by clite, and one on the pins of Sanca : -- Le G----- , sanguiile, sweet-natured; F----- dogged, faithful, anticipatie of insu, warhearted, with sothing of the old Ro about hi

    Fine, fraed Fr-- , the present ster of Hertford, with Marduke T-----, ldest of Missionaries -- and both  good friends still -- close the catalogue of Gres in  ti.

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